All previous entries can still be found here:
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
Und endlich bin ich wieder up to date! / And finally I am up to date!
Ach, die Zeit rennt und rennt einfach.
Und hier natürlich die vorherigen Einträge:
Adventskalender 2013
Oh, the time simply runs and runs.
And of course here are the previous entries:
Advent Calendar 2013
Und hier natürlich die vorherigen Einträge:
Adventskalender 2013
Oh, the time simply runs and runs.
And of course here are the previous entries:
Advent Calendar 2013
A merry ARTSPAM-DAY!!! Doors 19-22
Hi, ich hoffe, Ihr freut Euch schon alle auf Weihnachten. Hier schonmal meine Einträge für die Tage 19-22. 23 folgt dann etwas später. :D
Und wie immer findet Ihr alle vorangegangenen Einträge hier:
Adventskalender 2013
Hi, I hope You are all looking forward to Christmas. Here my entries from Dec 19th to Dec 22nd. The 23rd door follows a bit later. :D
And as always, you'll find all previous entries here:
Advent Calendar 2013
Und wie immer findet Ihr alle vorangegangenen Einträge hier:
Adventskalender 2013
Hi, I hope You are all looking forward to Christmas. Here my entries from Dec 19th to Dec 22nd. The 23rd door follows a bit later. :D
And as always, you'll find all previous entries here:
Advent Calendar 2013
Thursday, December 19, 2013
Das 18. Törchen / The 18th Door.
Das ist einer der wenigen Wünsche, die ich mir ein wenig erfüllt habe, indem ich den Eintrag machte. :)
Hier auch wieder die vorangegangenen Wünsche:
Adventskalender 2013
This is one of the rare wishes I was able to fulfill a little bit by just doing the entry. :)
Here of again the previous wishes:
Advent Calendar 2013
Hier auch wieder die vorangegangenen Wünsche:
Adventskalender 2013
This is one of the rare wishes I was able to fulfill a little bit by just doing the entry. :)
Here of again the previous wishes:
Advent Calendar 2013
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Das 17. Törchen / The 17th Door
Und wieder bin ich im Zeitplan etwas zurück. Ich hoffe, dass ich noch aufholen kann. Hier erstmal der Eintrag für den 17.. Ich mag einfach Essen, und möchte viele interessante Gerichte probieren.
Hier alle vorangegangenen Einträge:
Adventskalender 2013
And again I am a bit back in the schedule. I hope I can catch up. But for now, here the entry for the 17th. I just like food and I would like as much interesting dishes as possible.
Here all previous entries:
Advent Calendar 2013
Hier alle vorangegangenen Einträge:
Adventskalender 2013
And again I am a bit back in the schedule. I hope I can catch up. But for now, here the entry for the 17th. I just like food and I would like as much interesting dishes as possible.
Here all previous entries:
Advent Calendar 2013
Monday, December 16, 2013
Das sechszehnte Törchen / The sixtenth Door
Ich konnte jetzt nicht alle drauf packen, die ich im Kopf hatte. Eventuell erkennt sich der ein oder andere. Ansonsten hab ich mir selber einfach was ausgedacht. Aber freuen täte mich freuen alle mal kennenzulernen. Mit Fazer-Schokolade, der besten Schokolade wo gibt!
Und hier gibt es natürlich auch die vorherigen Einträge zu sehen (huh, fast vergessen):
Adventskalender 2013
I couldn't fit everyone in I had in mind. Maybe the one or the another may recognise themselves. Otherwise I just made something up. But I would like to meet everyone. With Fazer-Chocolate, the best choclate in existence!
And of course here you can view the previous entries (huff, almost forgotten about it):
Advent Calendar 2013
Und hier gibt es natürlich auch die vorherigen Einträge zu sehen (huh, fast vergessen):
Adventskalender 2013
I couldn't fit everyone in I had in mind. Maybe the one or the another may recognise themselves. Otherwise I just made something up. But I would like to meet everyone. With Fazer-Chocolate, the best choclate in existence!
And of course here you can view the previous entries (huff, almost forgotten about it):
Advent Calendar 2013
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Tor fünfzehn / Door fifteen
Ja, ich möchte gerne mal berühmte Personen treffen und mit ihnen plaudern. Vor Jahren hatte ich auf der Spielemesse in Essen ein schönes Gespräch mit Larry Elmore. Dieses Jahr hab ich Dave Prowse aka Darth Vader getroffen. Und ich möchte nicht stumpf rum fangirlen "Ohmeingottsiesindjasoooootollll!!!!", sondern plaudern über die Arbeit und die Interessen. Vielleicht würde das den berühmten Leuten auch gefallen.
Gerne treffen würde ich zum Beispiel:
James Gurney (Illustrator: u.a. Dinotopia), Crash McCreery (Conceptartist u.a. Jurassic Park), Sean Connery, Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry, Angela Lansbury, George R.R. Martin, Walton Ford (Künstler), Andreas Deja (ehemals Disney-Zeichner), Jeremy Irons, Jacques Tardi (französischer Comiczeichner), Ralf König (deutscher Comiczeichner), Meryl Streep, James Randi, Joe Nickell, Isabella Rosselini, Ulla Pirttijärvi (finnisch samische Sängerin), Björk, die finnische Band Värttinä, die Leningrad Cowboys (schlechteste Band aller Zeiten),....
Berühmte Leute, die ich gerne getroffen hätte, es nun aber aus offkundigen Gründen nichtmehr kann:
Peter Ustinov, Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn, Katharine Hepburn, Peter Falk, Marcel Reich-Ranicki, Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau, Hugo Simberg (okay, der ist schon wirklich lange tot), Tove Jansson (finnische Illustratorin von den MUMINS), ....
Vielleicht liest eine berühmte Person oder Jemand, der mit der berühmten Person befreundet ist, diesen Eintrag. Man kann sich gerne bei mir melden, aber ich muss vorrausschicken, dass ich in Wirklichkeit kein Otter bin. Sondern nur eine Otterstätter. :D
Wie immer könnt ihr die vorangegangenen Einträge hier finden:
Adventskalender 2013
Yes, I would like to meet one day a famous person and have a nice chat with them. Years ago I met Larry Elmore at the Spielemesse in Essen and this year I met Dave Prowse aka Darth Vader. And I do not want to fangirl around "OhmyGodyouarethegreatest!!!", but have a chat about their work and interests. Maybe the famous people would like this too. I would like to meet for example:
James Gurney (Illustrator for example Dinotopia), Crash McCreery (Conceptartist. Jurassic Park, Predator....), Sean Connery, Hugh Laurie, Stephen Fry, Angela Lansbury, George R.R. Martin, Walton Ford (artist), Andreas Deja (former Disney-artist), Jeremy Irons, Jacques Tardi (french comic artist), Ralf König (german comic artist), Meryl Streep, Isabella Rosselini, James Randi, Joe Nickell, Ulla Pirttijärvi (finnish sami singer), Björk, the finnish band Värttinä, the Leningrad Cowboys (worst musicband of all times),....
People, I would have loved to meet but cannot anymore for some very obvious reasons:
Peter Ustinov, Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn, Katharine Hepburn, Peter Falk, Marcel Reich-Ranicki, Jack Lemmon, Walter Matthau, Hugo Simberg (okay, he is really dead for a long time), Tove Jansson (finnish illustrator of the MOOMINS), ....
Maybe some famous person or someone who knows a famous person reads this entry. They can get into contact with me, but I have to inform You that I am not an otter. Just an Otterstätter. :D
As always, you canf find the previous entries here:
Advent Calendar 2013
Und endlich das vierzehnte Törchen! / And finally the fourteenth Door!
Hier dann das eigentliche gestrige Törchen. Aber leider kam mir Kopfschmerz dazwischen. Das heutige Törchen folgt in Kürze.
Alle vorherigen Törchen (auch das 13 1/2te) sind hier zu finden:
Adventskalender 2013
And finally here the actual yesterday's door. Sadly, an headache interrupted. Today's door will follow soon.
All previous doors (the 13 1/2th too) can be found here:
Advent Calendar 2013
Alle vorherigen Törchen (auch das 13 1/2te) sind hier zu finden:
Adventskalender 2013
And finally here the actual yesterday's door. Sadly, an headache interrupted. Today's door will follow soon.
All previous doors (the 13 1/2th too) can be found here:
Advent Calendar 2013
Saturday, December 14, 2013
Door 13 1/2 - Sorry, today no regular Advent Calendar
I got hit with a nasty tension headache. Tomorrow then the regular entry and today's planned entry.
you can find all other entries as always here:
Advent Calendar 2013
you can find all other entries as always here:
Advent Calendar 2013
Friday, December 13, 2013
Tor dreizehn / Door Thirteen
Sorry, I am feeling horrible. So no further comment in German or anything more. :(
You can find the previous entries here:
Advent Calendar 2013
You can find the previous entries here:
Advent Calendar 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Das zwölfte Törchen / The twelveth door
Und hier wieder das schöne türkise Skizzenbüchlein. Ich habe grad von einer Freundin erzählt bekommen, dass die nette Verkäuferin, die es mir auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt in Münster verkauft hat, wiederrum eine Online-Freundin von ihr ist. *LOL* Die Welt ist klein.
Und natürlich wie immer, hier alle vorangegangenen Einträge:
Adventskalender 2013
Here again the beautiful small turquoise sketch book. A friend of mine just told me that the nice sales woman who sold me the book at the Christmas market in Münster is an online-friend of hers. *LOL* It's a small world.
And as always, here are all previous entries:
Advent Calendar 2013
Und natürlich wie immer, hier alle vorangegangenen Einträge:
Adventskalender 2013
Here again the beautiful small turquoise sketch book. A friend of mine just told me that the nice sales woman who sold me the book at the Christmas market in Münster is an online-friend of hers. *LOL* It's a small world.
And as always, here are all previous entries:
Advent Calendar 2013
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Das elfte Törchen / The eleventh door
Vielleicht muss es nicht direkt ein Ryokan in Japan sein. Ich habe gesehen, dass es auch in der Schweiz ein nett aussehendes Hotel gibt, das sich an Ryokans orientiert. Aber einmal nach Japan möchte ich schon. :3
Wie immer findet ihr alle vorangegangenen Eintrage hier:
Adventskalender 2013
Maybe it does not necessarily have to be a ryokan in Japan. I have learned that there is a ryokan like hotel in Switzerland (website in German and Japanese...partly in english), which looks very nice.
As always, You can find all previous entries here:
Advent Calendar 2013
Wie immer findet ihr alle vorangegangenen Eintrage hier:
Adventskalender 2013
Maybe it does not necessarily have to be a ryokan in Japan. I have learned that there is a ryokan like hotel in Switzerland (website in German and Japanese...partly in english), which looks very nice.
As always, You can find all previous entries here:
Advent Calendar 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Das zehnte Törchen / The tenth door
Wow, bereits das zehnte Törchen! Ich glaube, soweit habeich es noch nie mit einem Adventskalender geschafft. :)
Alle vorhereigen Beiträge könnt ihr, wie immer hier finden:
Adventskalender 2013
Wow! Already the tenth door! I think, I never made it this far with the previous Advent Calendars!
As always, all previous entries are here:
Advent Calendar 2013
Alle vorhereigen Beiträge könnt ihr, wie immer hier finden:
Adventskalender 2013
Wow! Already the tenth door! I think, I never made it this far with the previous Advent Calendars!
As always, all previous entries are here:
Advent Calendar 2013
Monday, December 9, 2013
Das neunte Tor - Manchmal.... / The ninth door - Sometimes....
.... bin ich einfach nicht die taffe und starke Illustratorin, die ich so gerne wäre.
Ihr könnt meine voherigen Einträge hier finden: Adventskalender 2013
.... I am not the tough and strong illustrator, I would like to be.
You can find my previous entries here: Advent Calendar 2013
Ihr könnt meine voherigen Einträge hier finden: Adventskalender 2013
.... I am not the tough and strong illustrator, I would like to be.
You can find my previous entries here: Advent Calendar 2013
Sunday, December 8, 2013
Das achte Törchen - diesmal mit Special Guest!! / The eighth door - This time with special guest
Dazu ist im Grunde alles gesagt. Wer mehr Phantom der Oper Sachen von mir sehen möchte, kann dazu mein Tumblr besuchen:
Die vorangegangenen Einträge könnt Ihr wie immer hier finden:
Adventskalender 2013
Actually there is everything said about this. Who wants to see more Phantom of the Opera works by me, can visit my tumblr:
As always, you can find the previous entries here:
Advent Calendar 2013
Die vorangegangenen Einträge könnt Ihr wie immer hier finden:
Adventskalender 2013
Actually there is everything said about this. Who wants to see more Phantom of the Opera works by me, can visit my tumblr:
As always, you can find the previous entries here:
Advent Calendar 2013
Saturday, December 7, 2013
Das siebte Törchen / The seventh Door.
Nun, ich lerne im Moment französisch. Jeden Tag mindestens eine Stunde. Mal sehen ob es sich auszahlt.
Hier der Link zu meinen vorangegangenen Einträgen:
Adventskalender 2013
Well I am learning french at the moment. At least one hour every day. I'll look if this will pay off.
Here the link to my previous posts:
Advent Calendar
Hier der Link zu meinen vorangegangenen Einträgen:
Adventskalender 2013
Well I am learning french at the moment. At least one hour every day. I'll look if this will pay off.
Here the link to my previous posts:
Advent Calendar
Friday, December 6, 2013
Ein süßer und einfacher Wunsch / A sweet and easy to fulfill wish.
Manche Wünsche sind schwierig zu erfüllen und manche sehr, sehr einfach. Dieser hier war wirklich sehr einfach. Einen frohen Nikolaustag und frohen Unabhängigkeitstag nach Finnland. :D
Die vorherigen Adventskalender-Einträge könnt ihr hier finden:
Adventskalender 2013
Some wishes are easy to fulfill and some are very, very easy to fulfill. This was one of the very easy wishes. So, a happy St. Nicolas Day and a happy Independence Day to Finland :D
You can find the previous Advent Calendar entries here:
Advent Calendar 2013
Die vorherigen Adventskalender-Einträge könnt ihr hier finden:
Adventskalender 2013
Some wishes are easy to fulfill and some are very, very easy to fulfill. This was one of the very easy wishes. So, a happy St. Nicolas Day and a happy Independence Day to Finland :D
You can find the previous Advent Calendar entries here:
Advent Calendar 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Das fünfte Törchen/The fifth Door.
Manchmal oder vielleicht sogar sehr oft sind Wünsche nicht ohne Konsequenzen. Mama Otteri sagt: "Schau! Pilze." und Otteri sagt: "Und Elchfliegen." (Hirschlausfliegen). Sind wirklich eklige kleine Biester. Aber hält mich nicht davon ab, dass ich diesen Wunsch habe!
Hier könnt Ihr die vorherigen Adventskalender-Einträge sehen.
Adventskalender 2013
Sometimes or maybe even pretty often wishes aren't without consequences. Mamma Otteri says: "Look! Mushrooms." and Otteri says: "And Mooseflies" (deer fly). They are really nasty little critters. But they won't keep me from having my wish!
You can see here the previous Advent Calendar entries:
Advent Calendar 2013
Hier könnt Ihr die vorherigen Adventskalender-Einträge sehen.
Adventskalender 2013
Sometimes or maybe even pretty often wishes aren't without consequences. Mamma Otteri says: "Look! Mushrooms." and Otteri says: "And Mooseflies" (deer fly). They are really nasty little critters. But they won't keep me from having my wish!
You can see here the previous Advent Calendar entries:
Advent Calendar 2013
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Das vierte Törchen / The fourth door.
Vielleicht ist das einer der einfacher zu erfüllenden Wünsche.
Maybe this is one of the easier to fulfill wishes.
Maybe this is one of the easier to fulfill wishes.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Die dritte Tür öffnet sich / The third door opens up.
Mit einem Geständnis. Ich hatte einen Rückfall in meiner Skizzenbuchsucht. ABER ES WAR TÜRKISES PAPIER IM BUCH!!!!! Ich habe das Büchlein an einem richtig geilen Stand auf dem Weihnachtsmarkt gekauft. Soviele schöne Bücher. Mit vielen leeren Seiten drin......
Und noch eine Neuigkeit. Meine Webseite: ist fertig bearbeitet und freut sich auf Euren Besuch!
With a confession. I had regression concerning my sketchbok-addiction. BUT IT HAS TURQOUISE PAPER IN IT!!!! I bought this little notebook at a really amazing booth at the Christmasmarket. Soooo many beautiful books! With lots and lots of empty pages in them.
And another news. My website: is completly redesigned and looks forward to Your visit!
Und noch eine Neuigkeit. Meine Webseite: ist fertig bearbeitet und freut sich auf Euren Besuch!
With a confession. I had regression concerning my sketchbok-addiction. BUT IT HAS TURQOUISE PAPER IN IT!!!! I bought this little notebook at a really amazing booth at the Christmasmarket. Soooo many beautiful books! With lots and lots of empty pages in them.
And another news. My website: is completly redesigned and looks forward to Your visit!
Monday, December 2, 2013
Das zweite Törchen / The second Door.
Und dies ist mein zweiter Wunsch.
And this is my second wish.
And this is my second wish.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Advent Calendar 2013
Und mein nächster Versuch an einem Adventskalender für dieses Jahr. Diesmal mit kleinen Wünschen, die ich habe. Nicht so sehr für Weihnachten als eher für die nächsten Jahre. Manchmal professioneller Natur, manchmal persönlicher. Schaut einfach rein und guckt, was für Wünsche ich haben mag, und ob vielleicht der ein oder andere Euren eigenen Wünschen ähnlich ist. Eine Schöne Adventszeit!!
And my next try on a advent calendar for this year. :D This time with little sketches of the wishes I have. Not so much for Christmas as much for the upcoming years of my life. Sometimes professional, sometimes personal. So, just take every day a look with what wishes I may come up, and if some may be similar to Your own wishes. A Happy Advent Time!!
And my next try on a advent calendar for this year. :D This time with little sketches of the wishes I have. Not so much for Christmas as much for the upcoming years of my life. Sometimes professional, sometimes personal. So, just take every day a look with what wishes I may come up, and if some may be similar to Your own wishes. A Happy Advent Time!!
Monday, November 11, 2013
Eine Skizze, die ich gestern im Café von einem kleinen Hund gemacht habe, der unter dem Tisch neben mir schlief. Als meine Pizza kam, war das Hündchen aber knall hell wach! :D Ich habe mich nett mit den Besitzern unterhalten. Und der Mann meinte, das sei ein "Kooikerhündchen". Ich habe es etwas falsch geschrieben und nochmal in Google recherchiert. Es ist eine hübsche kleine niederländische Rasse. :)
A sketch I made yesterday in the café of a small dog who laid under a table besides me and slept. When my pizza arrived, the little dog was wide awaken :D I talked nicely to it's owners. And the man said that this is a "Kooikerhondje". I wrote it down a bit wrong and googled it afterwards. Kooikerhondje is a beautiful small dutch breed. :)
A sketch I made yesterday in the café of a small dog who laid under a table besides me and slept. When my pizza arrived, the little dog was wide awaken :D I talked nicely to it's owners. And the man said that this is a "Kooikerhondje". I wrote it down a bit wrong and googled it afterwards. Kooikerhondje is a beautiful small dutch breed. :)
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Einige Privataufträge / Some private commissions
Ich war dieses Jahr ja in Birmingham auf der PaizoCon. Dort hatte ich ein Superwochenende, lernte viele sehr nette Leute kennen und machte auch Skizzen vor Ort. Eine grössere Zeichnung hab ich nach Hause genommen. Und es hat eine Weile gebraucht bis sie fertig war. Aber sie ist gut angekommen und die Auftraggeber haben sich sehr gefreut! Yay!
Für die OddCon habe ich für eine Spendensammelauktion ein Bild gestiftet, was auch verkauft wurde. Das geht am Montag an den Gewinner der Auktion raus!
This year I had been in Birmingham at the PaizoCon. I had there an awesome weekend, meet lot of super nice folks and made there sketches for the visitors. I took a bigger drawing home and finished it there. Which took sooome time. But the picture made it safe to the commissioners and they liked it very much! Yay!
And I donated a drawing for OddCon for their charity fundraising, which got sold in the auction. This picture will go on travel on monday to the winner of the auction!
Für die OddCon habe ich für eine Spendensammelauktion ein Bild gestiftet, was auch verkauft wurde. Das geht am Montag an den Gewinner der Auktion raus!
This year I had been in Birmingham at the PaizoCon. I had there an awesome weekend, meet lot of super nice folks and made there sketches for the visitors. I took a bigger drawing home and finished it there. Which took sooome time. But the picture made it safe to the commissioners and they liked it very much! Yay!
And I donated a drawing for OddCon for their charity fundraising, which got sold in the auction. This picture will go on travel on monday to the winner of the auction!
PaizoCon UK,
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Dodo-Skizze / Dodo-Sketch
Hier ist eine Skizze von einem Dodo, die ich auf der Rückseite von einem Fehldruck gemacht habe. Erinnert mich daran, wie in meiner Kindheit mein Vater immer alte Ausdrucke aus der Firma mitbrachte, auf deren Rückseite ich dann zeichnen konnte. :)
Here is a sketch of a dodo, I did on the backside of a misprint. It reminds me how my father used to bring me old prints from his work during my childhood. I used to draw on the backsides of them too. :)
Lost Zoo,
Friday, September 6, 2013
Villa Haselburg
Dies wird ein längerer Artikel. Passend, da es um die grösste römische Jupiter-Gigantensäule nördlich der Alpen geht!! So, scrollt und genießt es!!
This will be a lengthy article. Appropiate, as the subject is the biggest roman Jupiter column north of the Alpes. So scroll and enjoy!!
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Rekonstruktion der Jupitergigantensäule ----- Reconstruction of the Jupiter column |
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Herkules |
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Fortuna |
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Roman Excavation Site Haselburg From the 2nd century A.D. |
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Die Jupitersäule und die Götter in all ihrer Pracht! --------------------- The Jupiter column and the Gods and Goddesses in all their glory! |
Der Verein der Villa Haselburg trat auf mich zu, weil sie im Internet meine römischen Götter entdeckten und diese gerne für die Ausstellung verwenden wollten. Dazu musste ich aber erst die Erlaubnis des Schwager und Steinlein Verlages einholen. Der Verlag war so freundlich die Verwendung zu genehmigen.
Zusätzlich zu den Göttern erstellte ich noch eine Zeichnung der Jupiter-Gigantensäule, deren Reste auf dem Gelände gefunden wurden und zwei zusätzliche Götter; Fortuna und Herkules.Nun war am 26. August die feierliche Eröffnung mit geladenem Publikum aus Politik und Wirtschaft. Einige der Leute verkleideten sich als Römer und es waren die Sponsoren, Mitarbeiter wie ich
und Kommunalpolitiker anwesend.

Die Ausstellung mit Fundstücken ist in einem, dem römischen Baustil, nachempfundenen Haus untergebracht, und der Besucher wird anhand der Jupitersäule über die Götterwelt informiert, aber auch über das Alltagsleben auf einer Villa Rustica. Die Villa selbst war Sommerresidenz für einen wahrscheinlich sehr wohlhabenden Gouverneur oder möglicherweise Senator. Alleine der Badetrakt hat enorme Ausmaße.
Am 8. September ist der Tag des Denkmales und an diesem Tag wird die Villa auch für die Öffentlichkeit eröffnet. Und nicht nur wegen meiner Arbeiten für die Ausstellung kann ich einen Besuch wirklich von Herzem empfehlen. Alleine der Blick von dem Gelände runter auf den Odenwald ist eine Wucht!!
Mehr Fotos von meinem Besuch auf der Villa Haselburg sind auf meiner Facebook-Seite zu finden!
I was invited to the opening of the Villa Haselburg (german) in the Odenwald. The Villa Haselburg is an excavation site on the grounds of a former roman villa rustica. Finally the society to support the Villa Haselburg was able to finance a modern information center.
The society found my illustrations about the Roman gods and goddesses in the internet and asked if they could use them for their exhibition. I had firstly ask the Schwager und Steinlein Verlag (Publishing house located in Cologne) for their okay, as they were the original client I did the illustrations for. The Schwager und Steinlein Verlag gave kindly their okay for the use of the illustrations.
I had to do three additional illustrations. One is a reconstruction of the Jupiter column whose remains were found on the grounds of Villa Haselburg. The two others were an additional God and a Goddess: Hercules and Fortuna.
On the 26th August was the opening of the Villa Haselburg to invited guests. Among them where guests from politics and from firms. Some of the people clothed themselves as romans and there where people who worked on the project like me, people from the sponsoring firms and local politicians.
The exhibition with the findings from the excavation site is now located in a building whose design is based on a roman house. The visitor is informed about the Jupiter column and the roman olymp and about every day life on the villa rustica back in the days of the romans. The villa itself must have been owned by a very wealthy person, maybe a gouvenor or even a senator. Alone the part for the bathing was enourmous.
On the 8th September is the day of the open monument, where the Villa Haselburg will finally be opened to the public. And aside from my contribution for the Jupiter column and the Gods and Goddesses, I really recommend to pay a visit. Alone the view from the site of the Villa Haselburg down to the Odenwald is awesome!!
What is important to know for all my english speaking visitors. The website for the Villa Haselburg may be in german, but all descriptions in the museum are in german and english.
You can find more photos of my visit to Villa Haselburg on my Facebook-Page!

Die Ausstellung mit Fundstücken ist in einem, dem römischen Baustil, nachempfundenen Haus untergebracht, und der Besucher wird anhand der Jupitersäule über die Götterwelt informiert, aber auch über das Alltagsleben auf einer Villa Rustica. Die Villa selbst war Sommerresidenz für einen wahrscheinlich sehr wohlhabenden Gouverneur oder möglicherweise Senator. Alleine der Badetrakt hat enorme Ausmaße.
Mehr Fotos von meinem Besuch auf der Villa Haselburg sind auf meiner Facebook-Seite zu finden!
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Wunderschönes altes Relief. --------------------- Gorgeous old relief. |
I was invited to the opening of the Villa Haselburg (german) in the Odenwald. The Villa Haselburg is an excavation site on the grounds of a former roman villa rustica. Finally the society to support the Villa Haselburg was able to finance a modern information center.
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Ja, auch die Römer schauten vorbei! ------------------------- Yes, even the Romans paid a visit! |
I had to do three additional illustrations. One is a reconstruction of the Jupiter column whose remains were found on the grounds of Villa Haselburg. The two others were an additional God and a Goddess: Hercules and Fortuna.
On the 26th August was the opening of the Villa Haselburg to invited guests. Among them where guests from politics and from firms. Some of the people clothed themselves as romans and there where people who worked on the project like me, people from the sponsoring firms and local politicians.
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Einige Ansichten der Ausgrabungsstätte. ---------------- Some views of the excavation site. |
On the 8th September is the day of the open monument, where the Villa Haselburg will finally be opened to the public. And aside from my contribution for the Jupiter column and the Gods and Goddesses, I really recommend to pay a visit. Alone the view from the site of the Villa Haselburg down to the Odenwald is awesome!!
What is important to know for all my english speaking visitors. The website for the Villa Haselburg may be in german, but all descriptions in the museum are in german and english.
You can find more photos of my visit to Villa Haselburg on my Facebook-Page!
Und so ist die Villa Haselburg zu finden! :)
And here you can find the Villa Haselburg! :)
Kinderbuch/Children's Book
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Thank You for Your Rejection....
Anmerkung für meine deutschsprachigen Besucher. Der Artikel wird diesmal wahrscheinlich länger und textlastig werden, da ich auch eine Reihe Besucher aus dem Ausland habe, schreibe ich diesmal den Eintrag von vornerein in englisch. Aber mit Bildern. :) Vielen Dank für das Verständnis.
Thank you very much for Your rejection. That strikes as odd at first sight, doesn't it? But I mean it in a completly non-sarcastic way. I am honestly thankful that I get a response. Even if it is a rejection.
For those who aren't familiar with my current situation: I am at the moment searching for an art representative to cooperate. Or a publishing house who is searching for an illustrator with my style range. Or any other possible client.
Besides updating my numerous portfolios and posting on the usual social medias like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or this blog, I send my work samples to every possible client. And of course I'll get rejections, which also can be quite discouraging at times. But why am I thankful for a rejection?
The answer is, because at least the agencies, representatives and publishing houses let me know about their decision.
I am not the only illustrator who write them during the week, sending in work samples or links to their websites. I am not one of 10 or one of 20... At least according to some illustration agency websites they get around 100 submissions per week. And as we all know, strolling through the countless portfolios, links and worksamples is not the first task of illustration agencies.
A good bunch of the agencies even state on their websites that they won't be able to give a review on every single portfolio or even that they won't answer to every single submission.
The first one is understandable, the second one is sometimes a bit hard, because it leaves to me the question, if my works are so unremarkable that the agencies aren't even bothered to give me a small note. Even if it is a rejection, because in my opinion a rejection is still better than total silence.
It is something that also bothers me with a lot of job offers. They are searching for a freelancer or a new colleague. You write them a job application, of course nothing copy pasted, only a carefully picked together job application for them, like they are the one and only company in the world You would work for. And then.... silence.
I have heard in cases like this, You should write again to prove that you are really, really interested. Okay, okay, not writing again, that's a mistake, I made too. But I thought if the job offerer writes You that they will get back to You soon, it will happen. And I thought, okay. And waited. Obviously a big mistake. So, I will respond again, because writing an application and sending in work samples was not evidence enough for my interest.
And that's why I say thank you for the rejections. Still showing appreciation that I got a response -even a negative one. Showing to the agency that I am fine with their decision, because they let me know about it.
The illustration market is a huge, crowded and complicated one. In my opinion there are just far too many illustrators for the market. And I have already heard from agencies' sides that they have to deal with the changes in the markets and the difficulties finding new clients. And so, where would be the benefit for me if I got into an agency out of pity or what else, and end up as a non-active illustrator?
My guess is that in some cases agencies and illustrators sit in the same boats. Or at least they should be aware about it. I can only write about my point of view as an illustrator struggling with her job. But it would interesting for me to read about experiences from the side of the agencies or publishing houses. I collected some experiences over the years that led to my impressions that agencies aren't sitting in their ivory towers. They have similar struggles like the freelance illustrator. Maybe only in a bigger range because they have to bring together the interests of the clients and of the illustrators.
The other side, why I do my Thank You-sketches is that it shows a major point in my job. Getting creative with the given situation.
As I have to write some more applications and plan to send out more work samples and portfolios, this series will most likely to be continued.

For those who aren't familiar with my current situation: I am at the moment searching for an art representative to cooperate. Or a publishing house who is searching for an illustrator with my style range. Or any other possible client.
Besides updating my numerous portfolios and posting on the usual social medias like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or this blog, I send my work samples to every possible client. And of course I'll get rejections, which also can be quite discouraging at times. But why am I thankful for a rejection?

A good bunch of the agencies even state on their websites that they won't be able to give a review on every single portfolio or even that they won't answer to every single submission.
The first one is understandable, the second one is sometimes a bit hard, because it leaves to me the question, if my works are so unremarkable that the agencies aren't even bothered to give me a small note. Even if it is a rejection, because in my opinion a rejection is still better than total silence.
It is something that also bothers me with a lot of job offers. They are searching for a freelancer or a new colleague. You write them a job application, of course nothing copy pasted, only a carefully picked together job application for them, like they are the one and only company in the world You would work for. And then.... silence.
I have heard in cases like this, You should write again to prove that you are really, really interested. Okay, okay, not writing again, that's a mistake, I made too. But I thought if the job offerer writes You that they will get back to You soon, it will happen. And I thought, okay. And waited. Obviously a big mistake. So, I will respond again, because writing an application and sending in work samples was not evidence enough for my interest.
And that's why I say thank you for the rejections. Still showing appreciation that I got a response -even a negative one. Showing to the agency that I am fine with their decision, because they let me know about it.
My guess is that in some cases agencies and illustrators sit in the same boats. Or at least they should be aware about it. I can only write about my point of view as an illustrator struggling with her job. But it would interesting for me to read about experiences from the side of the agencies or publishing houses. I collected some experiences over the years that led to my impressions that agencies aren't sitting in their ivory towers. They have similar struggles like the freelance illustrator. Maybe only in a bigger range because they have to bring together the interests of the clients and of the illustrators.
The other side, why I do my Thank You-sketches is that it shows a major point in my job. Getting creative with the given situation.
As I have to write some more applications and plan to send out more work samples and portfolios, this series will most likely to be continued.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Lernt Olinguito kennen! / Meet Olinguito!
Als ein Tiernerd begeistern mich natürlich immer Neuigkeiten und Funde aus dem Reich der Tiere. Heute rollte auf Facebook ein Link zu einem Video zu einer neuentdeckten Tierart über die Pinnwand. Olinguito is ein naher Verwandter des Wickelbären oder Kinkajous und des ihm sehr ähnlichen Olingos. Laut den Medien ist es die erste neuentdeckte Raubtierart seit 35 Jahren. Für mich natürlich Grund genug den Kleinen mit einer Zeichnung zu ehren.
As an animal nerd news from and findings from the animal kingdom always amazes me. Today on facebook a link to a video about a newly discovered animal species rolled over my wall. Olinguito is a close relative of the kinkajou and the very similar looking olingo. According to the media it is the first newly discovered carnivorous animal species for 35 years. For me of cours reason enough to honor the little one with a drawing.
TIME Article
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Hab ich wirklich vergessen?.... / Did I really forget?...
Hab ich wirklich vergessen auch das Portfolio zu u posten? Ja, ich hab. Hier dann mal einige der Illustrationen.
Did I really forget to post the portfolio to Avati - Discovering Arctic Ecology?? Yes, I did. Here some of the illustrations. :)
Did I really forget to post the portfolio to Avati - Discovering Arctic Ecology?? Yes, I did. Here some of the illustrations. :)
Monday, August 12, 2013
Rabe im Sturm / Raven in Storm
Ich will wieder mehr meinen Blog als Präsentationsfläche für meine Skizzen benutzen und solche ausgearbeiteteren Skizzen wieder hier hochladen und auf meinem Facebookprofil und meiner Facebookseite eine kleine Preview. Ich muss mal sehen, wie es funktioniert.
I want to use my blog more as a presentation tool for my sketches again. That's why I want to publish more elaborate sketches like this one here, and show on my facebook profile and my facebook page a small preview. I will have a look how this works.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Commission Skizzen PaizoCon UK / Commission Sketches PaizoCon UK
So, hier die Skizzen, die ich auf der PaizoCon UK in Birmingham gemacht habe. Es war eine sehr geniale Zeit. Zum einen, weil ich das erste Mal den Kontinent verlassen habe und England besucht. Und dann war es eine sehr schöne Convention mit einer herzlichen und familiären Atmosphäre. Ich habe viele nette Leute kennengelernt und einige Zeichnungen gemacht.
So here the sketches I made at the PaizoCon UK in Birmingham. It was a really great time. For one because it was the first time for me that I left the Continent to head over to Great Britain. And then it was a beautiful convention with a warm and familiar atmosphere. I have met lots of nice people and did several drawings for them.
Und hier ein kleiner Nachzügler von der Role Play Convention in Köln! Ich habe den Brief noch am gleichen Tag bevor ich nach Birmingham reiste, in den Briefkasten geschmissen. Kurz vor Düsseldorf Flughafen fiel mir siedendheiss ein, was ich vergessen hatte. Die BRIEFMARKE!! Trotzdem hat mich die Email vom Empfänger erreicht, der sich für die Zeichnung herzlich bedankte. Seltsam.....
And here a little follow up of the Role Play Convention in Cologne. I have sent away the letter with the drawing on the same day I left for Birmingham. Short before Düsseldorf Airport I remembered with burning intensity what I forgot. THE STAMP!!!! But yet, I got an email by the receiver of the mail in which he thanked very much for the drawing. Awkward....
So here the sketches I made at the PaizoCon UK in Birmingham. It was a really great time. For one because it was the first time for me that I left the Continent to head over to Great Britain. And then it was a beautiful convention with a warm and familiar atmosphere. I have met lots of nice people and did several drawings for them.
Und hier ein kleiner Nachzügler von der Role Play Convention in Köln! Ich habe den Brief noch am gleichen Tag bevor ich nach Birmingham reiste, in den Briefkasten geschmissen. Kurz vor Düsseldorf Flughafen fiel mir siedendheiss ein, was ich vergessen hatte. Die BRIEFMARKE!! Trotzdem hat mich die Email vom Empfänger erreicht, der sich für die Zeichnung herzlich bedankte. Seltsam.....
And here a little follow up of the Role Play Convention in Cologne. I have sent away the letter with the drawing on the same day I left for Birmingham. Short before Düsseldorf Airport I remembered with burning intensity what I forgot. THE STAMP!!!! But yet, I got an email by the receiver of the mail in which he thanked very much for the drawing. Awkward....
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